UCSC Storm Water Management Program
About the UCSC Storm Water Management Program
With over 15,000 students and more than 4,000 staff and faculty, the UCSC campus has a population similar to that of a small town. And like all municipalities, the campus has an extensive network of storm drains to direct storm water runoff. Storm drain systems such as those on the UCSC campus are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency’s Storm Water Regulations, as outlined in the Clean Water Act (CWA). As required by the CWA, the storm drain system at UCSC operates under a permit for Non-Traditional Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4), issued by the State Water Resources Control Board.
Municipal Permit Background
Under the MS4 permit, UCSC is implementing the following provisions: Program Management Element, Education and Outreach Program, Public Involvement and Participation Program, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program, Construction Site Runoff Control Program, Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Permittee Operations Program, Post Construction Storm Water Management Program, and Program Effectiveness Assessment and Improvement.
The Storm Water Management Program ensures that the campus is fulfilling the requirements of its General Permit for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems. In doing so, the program ensures both legal compliance as well as environmental sustainability.